In collaboration with Space Engine
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Symphonies are architected with classical rigor for the modern audience. Works are original and follow relevant theoretical reflections; driven and inspired by models found in cosmology, philosophy, nature, and geometry. The abstraction of values, properties, and sequences applied to instruments breathes life into the symphonies. Instrumenthesia was born. Pairing is and being inspire romance and harmony, this synthesis gives rise to sound, with purpose. Because, ultimately, there is nothing without interpretation. 


Composer: apostolos stefanopoulos

Vocals: andrijana janevska


Symphony No. 1, Cosmos

Cosmos captures the greatest story ever told: the universe. Symphony No.1 is a 13.8-billion-year old cosmological journey. Cosmos follows a path from darkness into light, order into disorder, and death into life. Harmony rests within the passage of time. The rhythm echoes pressures during the space-time odyssey: an eternal voyage that has been and always will be, forever and ever. For the first time, instruments define the universe; they answer the calls of our distant ancestors who now have a chance to perform for a moment in time, the greatest miracle of all: life. Movements are inspired and shaped by the theoretical events and considerations of the Big Bang Model. It is within the capability of us all to understand our beginnings, and Cosmos offers an alternative musical narrative, filled with drama, romance, passion, and ultimately: obscurity of what will be.

Narration of Symphony No. 1, Cosmos

Describing the universe through music is a task no human is deserving of. Naturally, we judge what we see, what we hear, and what we feel against our best judgments, but this cannot be the case for the universe. The universe accepts no praise and no blame. A battle has been waged, the love story continues, working to find an end to a new beginning.

 The universe’s existence, 13.8 billion years old, is represented musically spanning 13.49 minutes in real-time. Each movement represents 3.45 billion years, approximately 3.45 minutes in real-time.

 Introduction: Pre 00:35 no time, no space only pure emptiness

 Period from 00- :35 seconds ushers in the Big Bang. 

The time frame between :036 – 1:35 represents the Big Bang. The most fundamental explosion in universe history. Here you will hear all the instruments symbolizing and foreshadowing the notion that whatever will be in the future are present at that moment. 

Cosmological time and real-time begin at :36 at the Big Bang. 

There is a delay in events until 1:35 real-time purposely to exaggerate the feeling. It is important to note that the symphony captures only the most fundamental features and events of the universe. Here you will also hear static referencing to the cosmic microwave background or CMB.

 Cosmological events: Space, time, CMB

 Movement One- Genesis from 1:35-4:39

Movement one begins at 1:35 seconds. There you will hear the plucking of the violin representing the progression of time. Until 4:39 you will experience the universe in darkness and only space and time gradually becoming more complex as time goes on. Here you will also hear static referencing to the cosmic microwave background or CMB.

 Cosmological events

 Spacetime, inflation, four forces are established, entropy increases 

 Key: D-E minor

 Movement Two- Darkness Fades to Light: 4:39- 7:36

Movement two begins at 4:39. Events begin to flow faster symbolizing the high rate of inflation. At 6:35 there is a directional shift; we have progress, growth and the hint of possible stabilization.  

Cosmological events

gravitational force, matter, dark ages, H, Hi

Key: C-D sharp minor

Movement Three- Eternal Voyage 7:36-9:57

Movement three begins at 7:36. This is one of the most important events in universe history. The unification of all. The buildup is slow and steady. Here the universe takes true form. Heavily portrayed and celebrated at 8:46 minute mark.

Key: A -B minor

Cosmological events

Supergravity, grand unified force, electromagnetic force, gases, galaxies, blackholes, quarks, stars

Movement Four- Fireside Stories 9:57 – 13:49

Movement four begins at 9:57. A time in the universe where dark matter dominates all. The future of the universe is uncertain but all scientific observation points to an expanding universe. 13:20 vocals enter at the very end to symbolize human life. 

Cosmological events

Dark matter, planets, expansion, human life

Key: F minor-G major

Symphony No. 1, Cosmos is composed of four movements:

                Events                                                                                Tracks

1.             Big Bang & Inflation                                                          Genesis

2.             Grand Unification, The Primordial Era                            Darkness Fades to Light 

3.             Matter Domination & Galaxies                                        Eternal Voyage

4.             Human Life                                                                        Fireside Stories

            Cosmos (All Movements)